Sunday, April 8, 2007

Module 3 cont: html linking troubleshooting

I have spent countless hours trying to work out why I could not create a separate file for my pictures and still link it to my volcano html document, my conclusion, after much contemplation, confusion and frustration, is that my computer files the pictures, html documents, Photoshop documents and so on, automatically. When I open my work in progress file, created especially for the html tutorial, all my files are categorised into type by little icons, for example, the html documents have the explorer icon, gif images have a gif icon, so on and so forth. I have spent days feeling furious, when in fact, it was right there in front of me all the time, the important thing though, is I now understand exactly how folders I have on my computer are filed, and better still, I now have a very good understanding on how to get the files linked in a html document. WAHOO!!!

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