Thursday, May 10, 2007

Assignment 2: How I went

To be honest I was completely bewildered when I first picked up the essay question, how on earth was I going to write about everything I had learnt and relate it to the concepts. So, what i did was take a completely different method to that which I usually take and created a mess!!! On a serious note though, I had all the concepts printed out and chose the ones I felt most passionate about, once I decided on them I linked them to the the skills I had learnt on the course and created a sort of physical hierarchy. Laying all the printouts on the floor, with the attached skills, I created an essay structure, (much to my flatmates amusement!). I then found relative quotes and references. Once my physical paper hierarchy had been created I was ready to begin my introduction. From there, it was smooth sailing. I hopefully have answered the question to the best of my knowledge and am quite satisfied with the result!

In conclusion to having written the essay, I managed to tie together in my mind the relevance of everything we have learnt, I say this because I was wondering why these concepts we were originally given. I now have a clear understanding that a knowledge of the concepts we were given are vital if we are to be successful Internet users. A knowlede of the background information creates a base from which we can develop, and keep developing our skills. Learning about the internet is an ongoing process, it is forever changing, and to keep up with it we have to keep learning!

Low Litracy Internet Users and My View

I was scanning down the Low Literacy Users, Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox, March 14, 2005, when I came across the "Characteristics". I was mortified, points they made about a low literacy internet users could have been made about me. Which made me start thinking about how I expect instant gratification when searching for something on the net, the points Neilsen made are not so much true because I am illiterate, but more so true because I am lazy. I often skip grand chunks of text because I do not think they will contain information that I need, I hardly ever reach the end of a web page, I often lose track of pages when there are constant pop ups. This instant gratification is not only true of me, but many, many internet users out there. Why would you sit for hours searching through the search engines when you can just pick the first link that came up and gain a decent amount of information on a subject? The world is becoming more like that every day, and the point I made a few blogs ago, about language on the net reitterates this, people are not illiterate or unintelligent, THEY ARE LAZY! Language is becoming lazy, we as people are becoming lazy (regarding sport and the amount of tv we watch etc.etc.), and of course, being able to use the internet for pretty much all information and now for bookings, learning, teaching and communicating is making us less hard working. Everything is available at the touch of a button, why sit and scroll when the first button will do?! This is vital information for anyone trying to create a web site that will reach people, all the above should be taken into account. Having the main point of the site in bold lettering at the top, with the main contents easily seen just bellow it, will ensure that people will read it, regardless of their literacy rate. Prioratising the text is essential. People are more likely to look at pictures and diagrams, so is there a way you can convey the same message with a diagram, will this keep people interested and more likely to delve deeper? I know from my personal experience that I am less likely to carry on viewing a site that I do not understand the moment I open it, than one that starts with the basics on the subject and then moves on to the more technical information. Under the heading Improving Usability for Lower-Literacy Users, Neilsen makes the following points:
Prioratise information
Avoid text that moves or changes
Streamline the page design
Simplify navigation
Optimize search
Should these points not be true for most internet sites? It speaks for itself with the results of the Case Study: What's at Stake?

Monday, April 23, 2007

Module Three: WWW Standards

My Top 5 Rules fo Writing Online
  • Be Concise, everyone will appreciate it! The point you are making will be understood, and not confused by additional information that is not relavent.
  • Use lists, diagrams or pictures to convey information when possible, this will aid those who learn visually, and will be a quick explanation.
  • Do not use too many seperate windows, and if there are windows containing different sections of information, make sure they are headed clearly, and make it easy to navigate back to the page they came from.
  • Do not make a single web page too long, perhaps split it into two sections, that way the reader will find it less intimidating, and is more likely to read more of it.
  • Do not distract the reader from information with too many links, pictures, adds, games, the more stream line a page is the more likely it is that the viewer will stick to the information they were there for rather than heading off to another site and being distracted form their initial point.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

My First Assignment: The Ups and Down

My assignment has been submitted with a dash of anticipation and dollop of nerves. I thought I would write this to define the problems I had whilst doing it, as well as the break throughs. It started off well, though i think i might have broken off more than I could chew, choosing to create a web page. I started of using HTML but was limited by my knowledge of tags so I then enlisted the help of a HTML editor, which I think I have previously mentioned. The HTML editor helped me to create a more aesthetic page, though the page I ended up with was nothing compared to the one I had started (including many pictures). After showing what I thought was a really good layout to a few friends I was informed that I should probably choose a simpler layout, easier to follow, which is what I ended up doing. I discarded all the pictures and chose to use a more block like format with distinguishing colours instead. Not only did this turn out to be better to look at, but was also a lot easier for me to get my head around.

As for the content of the web page, I think I have some good links that will aid further education on being an advanced Internet user, but my writing of annotated bibliographies could be improved on, I found it quite difficult to find some of the sources of the web pages I chose, as well as the authors. This has been interesting, because I now realise the importance of making that information available when creating an online source. The reliability of certain web sites is very much in the air because of their lack of referencing and author information. I also learned a lot about what to look for when searching for information on the net, learning to look for their date last updated, their references, their reliability and any other information they could supply me with.

Over all, I tried to make my web site as easy to follow as possible, giving each subject a different page, and having the home page with all links available on it. I chose a certain colour for each subject and linked that colour to the referencing, so when the audience is searching for information on a certain link, it is easier to find.

I am hoping that my work on the web site will see me pass, and that it may even help someone doing this unit in the future. I have learnt so much creating this assignment, and am proud of what I have managed to achieve, even if it may not get me best results.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Personal Thoughts: Language on the Internet

Whilst doing my assignment, I began to think about our hap-hazard way of writing on the Internet, though there are guidelines in place that we are all meant to follow, it worries me that the language we use whilst chatting or blogging, or even whilst we are creating web sites, is becoming far too informal and abbreviated. Slowly with the use of text messaging, chatting and blogging, we are creating a new language, a web language that is full of abbreviations, smiley faces and terrible spelling. Whilst I think it is absolutely incredible to sit in on one of these chat sites and watch them communicate as if they were speaking a different language, I am beginning to think that we might eventually start becoming a little socially handicapped, we no longer need to use phones because we have the Internet, even with our mobiles, we are able to just send messages. Shopping can be done online, learning can be done online, most businesses now have chat sites where we can contact them..............are we eventually going to lose our power of speech???? Don't get me wrong, I think the Internet and everything it involves is amazing, but what is going to happen to actually being face to face with someone, the human touch, the expressions on a persons face, a REAL smile, proper social interaction!

Having gone to a school where English was VERY important, and the importance of spelling was drummed into you, (even though admittedly I am a terrible speller!) I have been reading web site after web site, blog after blog, where bad grammar, bad spelling and a ridiculous amounts of abbreviations are being used. There are only so many mistakes you can put down to typos. Even with spell checker, people are getting complacent, what message is that sending out to the Internet prodigies we have as children today? That it is alright not to be able to spell, or even write properly for that matter. That it is fine to use silly abbreviations instead of descriptive and powerful words?

My conclusion to my rant is that as advanced internet users, we should make it our mission to make sure that everything we write and publish has a certain degree of correct, formal English, as well as good grammar, to set a good example to those surfing the web.

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Module 3 cont: html linking troubleshooting

I have spent countless hours trying to work out why I could not create a separate file for my pictures and still link it to my volcano html document, my conclusion, after much contemplation, confusion and frustration, is that my computer files the pictures, html documents, Photoshop documents and so on, automatically. When I open my work in progress file, created especially for the html tutorial, all my files are categorised into type by little icons, for example, the html documents have the explorer icon, gif images have a gif icon, so on and so forth. I have spent days feeling furious, when in fact, it was right there in front of me all the time, the important thing though, is I now understand exactly how folders I have on my computer are filed, and better still, I now have a very good understanding on how to get the files linked in a html document. WAHOO!!!

Neglecting my bog!

I have thrown myself into my assignment so much that I have neglected my blog terribly, this does not mean that nothing is being achieved though, or at least I like to think! My web page is coming along, although I find myself getting tied up in the asthetics rather than the content, which I realise is not the correct thing to be doing, especialy when my web design skills are so raw.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Module 4: Tools For Using the Web

Downloading Tools

You tend to stick with what is familiar to you whilst using your computer in fear that if you do do anything different it may all fall apart. I know I am very familiar with Internet explorer, Google, Adobe, and I did think that they were probably the best programmes or tools out there because they are the most widely used. In this module I discovered that that is not always the case, and while I did already have some of the tools suggested in the module, I learnt a lot about other tools out there that can help with research.

I am a little bit weary when it comes to downloading programmes for a few reasons, one is, are they going to take up too much space on my hard drive, and make my already slug-like lap top even slower? Am I increasing my chances of getting a virus? Will I be able to un-install them easily if I decide I no longer want them? And most importantly are there going to be hidden charges somewhere that I am going to have to pay for?

All of the programmes suggested in the module were quick and easy to download, even with the ever doubtful Internet connection we have here in the UAE. None of them gave me a virus! And all have a little unistallation tag for quick removal! Here is what I found :

Media Players

I already had all three media players (Apple, Windows, Real Time) installed on my computer, this is due to my downloading of songs and movies from Lime Wire, the media I download is almost always in one of the mentioned formats, so having all three downloaded allows me to easily and quickly access my downloads. My preferred Media player would be the Apple Quick Time player, it is easy to use and compatible with my ipod permitting me to download any media i have onto my ipod.

I do use all three on a regular basis though, and find them all quite similar apart from some format differences.

Search Manager/Combiners

Google Google Google! It is what I have always used, and I am very faithful to it, little did I know about search combiners, they are really fantastic! While they take a little longer than Google, the results seem to be a little more accurate. I did not find Glooton as user friendly as Copernic, it is very slow with my connection and the layout was unfriendly!

Copernic was however very simple, all information is layed out for you to see, I really liked the fact that it told you which search engines it was searching, so you can later on go and check them separately if needed. The history section is also very useful, it keeps a record of your last searches so you can access them easily at a later date, it also informs you of how popular the website is and how relevant it is to your search.

I have to say that Glooton is going to be uninstalled!!

Book Mark Managers

Bookmark buddy is an extremely useful tool, I often find myself having to go into my Favourites Internet Explorer and deleting rows of Favourites because I can not find the one I want, while favourites do have the options to create folders, Bookmark buddy has a better layout, it is all there in front of you, a simple format, easily read and easily accessible. I will be keeping this as an added programme. I know have all my favourite websites in files and categories that I can get to easily!

Searching Engine Task

Copernic Search

46 results were found

Google Search

121,000,000 results were found

Using Boolean search methods on Google, my regular search engine was more effective than using it on Copernic, Copernic claims that it uses the Booleam method automatically when you enter a search subject. Even though Copernic deas use the Bollean method, it does occasionally come back with different results if you enter, "or", "and".

Search Words Used for Google

"internet user or advanced"

220,000,000 results

Results found that were useful:

"internet users and advanced"

104,000,000 results

Results found that were useful:

"advanced users and internet"

241,000,000 results

Results found that were useful:

Search Words Used for Yahoo

"advanced internet users"

56,100,000 results

Results that were useful:

"advanced users and internet"

56,200,000 results

Results that were useful:

"Internet users and advanced"

56,200,000 results

results that were useful:

Search words used for Copernic

"Internet users or advanced"

46 results

"internet users and advanced"

43 results

I have not yet discussed my search methods with fellow students, though I have come to my own conclusion that whilst the Boodean search method would have helped a great deal a few years ago, I think it now comes included in the web searches, I searched many times using all the different methods and came up with the same results, all search engines tend to give you pages and pages of results with any of the words included, I did think the Boodean method was meant to eliminate that, it does not seem to though. Search engines have become sophisticated enough to find the articles and web sites that relate most with you search entry.

Assessment 1: Creating my Website

For assessment one I have decided to try and develop a web page, seeing as I am using a blog for my online journal and I am more familiar with blogs than I am with web pages.

I have been going through module three learning how to use HTML, and while I am coming to grips with most of it, I think I am going to need a little help, so I have sort out the help of a programme called Page Breeze HTML Editor, it is a useful tool as it allows me to create a web page with help, but I can always edit the HTML myself, which I am finding really helpful, not only am I learning from the commands that they use, but I'm adding my own as well.

It is a little hard for me at the moment due to the fact that I haven't written anything for educational purposes for a while, so I have to juggle with trying to write well, as well as figuring out how I should display it all. But I am sure everyone is dealing with the same problem, all part of the learning curb!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Module 3 : Continued

Lesson 8b

1What purpose do URLs serve for the World Wide Web?

URLs are like an address system, they contain the information that allows you to go find a page on the web. It identifies the type of server being used, the Internet address and the file path.

2Where are URLs found on a WWW screen?

URLs are found in the upper part of the web window, usually in a long thin white box.

3What is the basic structure of an URL?

A URL is made up of the following parts:
type, Internet address, directory, sub-directory, file name

Module 3: Links

I am having a lot of trouble with the linking of images, it all works for me well when I do not try to organise the files on my computer, the moment I put the files into sub folders and categories, nothing links anymore. I have been battling with this now for three hours and am ready to throw the computer out of the window!!

Monday, March 19, 2007

Module 3: Lesson Reviews

Lesson 1

HTML : Hyper Text Markup Language

What are HTML tags?

These are a set of instructions for the web page you are creating. They are instructions for the web page that you are creating in plain text. It is a blueprint, if you like, of a web page.

Where is the text of the title page displayed?

The text of the title page is displayed in what is known as the header section of the web page, this means that when the web page is published, it will not be visible to the public, unless they convert the web page HTML text.

3 What steps are involved in creating a simple HTML document?

A HTML document is easily created in a simple text programme such as Word Pad. You add the HTML tags to this word document, and as long as you follow the HTML text command properly, a web page can then be published from your HTML tags. The basic structure of a HTML page is.

This tells the computer that you are creating a document that will be published on the web using HTML text commands.

4 How do you create a comment tag?

All tags have text within these <> brackets, that is how the programmes can tell that it is a command.

5 How do you display yout HTML document in a web browser?

-open browser in new window
-click File > Open
-browse your computer for the HTML text you saved

Your text should now have opened as a web page. Or more simply, you can drag and drop the file into a new open web page.

Lesson 2

1How did you reopen your work space?

The workspace was reopened by clicking on or opening the file I had save on my desktop in a folder named Module Three Tasks. This is easily done when all the documents are kept in one Folder, all your work is available in one place.

2What steps did you use to make changes in your HTML document?

I simply opened my HTML text file and added the text where appropriate, in this case within the main body of text.

3How did you display the view changes on your browser?

This is very easily done by making sure that you have saved the changes. Then going back to your email browser and refreshing the page, or re opening it. If saved correctly, all the changes should come up immediately.
*note: the web page will only refresh if you save the file under the same name.

Lesson 3

1What are the different levels of headings in HTML and what steps did you use in placing headings in your HTML document?

Headings have the tag 1 being the biggest heading, while 6 is the smallest. For example, if I insert the command at the end that will ensure that the heading in in that size.

2What happens if you forget the slash at the end of a header tag?

You must make sure that the command is ended properly with a slash
or the text will carry on with the initial tag.

Lesson 4

1What is the HTML tag for a paragraph break?

p tag

2What steps did you use for inserting a paragraph break in your document?

Between the Typed text you add the p tag
where you would like to see a new paragraph, there is no need to put the tag to end the command.

3How did you display and view the changes in your web browser?

The changes were displayed by saving the changes to my word pad document and refreshing my web page.

4What is a horizontal rule and the br rule?

hr tag starts a new line with a line inserted

br tag starts a new line without a space, the inserts a space between the lines for a new paragraph, the however just puts text on to to the next line, for pieces of text like poems.

Lesson 5

1What are HTML style tags?

Style tags are tags which you give to text in order to styalise it, for example making text bold, or itallic, showing which size you want the text to be and so on.

2What are the different tags used for different styles of text?

*note: I am unable to include the brackets <> in the tag, as my blog takes it as a command

There are many tags which you can use to styalise text, the most common though are:

b tag for bold lettering

i tag for itallic

tt tag for typewriter text

3What steps did you use in entering styled text into your HTML document?

When wishing to styalise your text, you can go about finding examples of text that you like, find out the tag command for that text and then enter it before and after the text you wish to styalise.

4*Extra Credit: How can these styles be useful in creating a web page or lesson?

Web pages are usually built to pass on some sort of information, to teach you something or to sell something, people are far less likely to look at a web page if it is all in the same text, same colour and same size. The audience is more likely to take note of a point if it is written in a different sized text, or perhaps its bold, or itallic, or all three! It draws attention. Therefor, styalised text plays an important part in the creation of web pages for that reason.

Lesson 6: Lists

Lesson 7: Graphics

1What are the two graphic formats used for the World Wide Web?


2How can a graphic file display on different computers?

The location of a graphic file is written in such a way that it can be understood by different types of computer, the same graphic with the same tags can be sent to either a mac or Windows browser, but it can still be read by both, the reason for this is that the HTML format indicates the location of the graphic file.

3What are some key points to consider when including graphics in web pages?

Images can sometimes be very large files, and the image may download in half a second on your computer, it could take an hour on a computer with a slower server than you, so you have to be thoughtful about the size of the images you are saving, and the audience you wish to reach.

4How did you save the lava graphic for use in your WWW document?

-right click on image

-save image as...

-saved the image as volc.gif in the folder I have all these lessons in

Lesson 8

1.What were the steps you used in creating a link within your document to a local file?

a href="filename.html">text that responds to link

2What steps did you use to create a link which displayed a graphic in an external window?

a href="filename.gif">text that responds to link

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Module 2: News Groups and Internet Chat

News Groups
I found a group on Google Groups about Dubai, I followed it for a couple of days and posted the following message. Unfortunately after three weeks I received no replies. It may have to do with the size of the group as it was rather large with over 300 group members. I was disapointed to not receive any feedback, it has however allowed me to discover how groups work, and was amazed at the amount of detail people go into. It is a very interesting way of communicating with people for all different walks of life. Still I dont think it will be a method I will use that often in the future.

I was surprised to read some of the views of Dubai by people who obviously haven't been there. I agree that it has its fair share of desert, but calling it culture less is somewhat narrow minded. While it may not have some of the architecture that Vienna or Florence have, Dubai is history in the making. Dubai is rapidly developing and building architectural feats, what country can claim to have developed as much as it has in the past 20 years? It may not have many historical features now, but can you imagine in a hundred years time? Not only is it developing the tallest building in the world, but it has managed to make a hostile environment a completely flourishing economical hub. The opportunities here are endless.
As for things to do, have you ever been desert bashing? Diving in the Gulf? Camping in amazing Mars like wadis? Stayed and eaten in some of the best restaurants and hotels in the world? Smoked sheisha whilst playing chess? Gone skiing in a mall? Watched locals through Ramadan all sit outside the Mosque together getting ready to break their fast? Had a bbq on a sailboat whilst dolphins frolic around you? Seen hundreds of nationalities all in one place getting along with little crime and trouble?
No one can deny that Dubai is in fact a flourishing hub, regardless of which airlines are going where. And it should be respected for just that, what an amazing place has been created, out of nothing, and still it gets bigger, they do have a final picture in mind, and I think once all the hammering has stopped, Dubai will be quite amazing. It might not be an ideal place, but you have to give it some credit, no matter how you feel about it.

Internet Chat

I have been using MSN Messenger since I was 14 years old and have managed to stay in contact with my friends from around the world, which is something I could never have achieved without it. It was my life line when I was travelling, allowing me to talk to family and friends at minimal cost, and lets face it, its so much better than dodgy phone lines!

I was able to chat to Lyn from the the NET11 unit, but failed to have a group discussion. From my own experience I would say that MSN is probably the most widely used Chat programme, allowing for video chat and even conversations with a little delay. It is used in every country I have ever been to and so easy to use.

Chat is a fantastic way to stay in contact with people world wide at minimal cost, its easy to use, quick, you get instant gratification and are able to to have multiple conversations at once. Businesses are now buying into it too, using Chat programmes instead of phones. It is also true that having information written allows us to carry out more than just the one conversation, allowing for time to reflect on what has been said.

I really do believe that chat is the best invention since sliced bread!!!

Module 2: Lists

My personal opinion is that email lists seem very dated, and a little questionable.

From what I gather anyone in front of a computer with Internet can start a list, about basically any subject, it is an electronic mailing list for those interested in the subject list they join. From the lists that I saw (which were not many, due to the length of time all the listing web sites took to download), it seemed as though people go and make a list and then forget about it! 90% of the lists I tried to join required a subscription fee. Maybe due to my lack of willing to pay for one of these list subscriptions, I missed out on something really fantastic. But am I really willing to pay for something that I am unable to see.

I would be more likely to choose a discussion board than a list, I believe discussion boards create more of a community for the user, there is a quicker response time and while there is probably not as much filtering of information, you just assume that you do have to take all the information read with "a pinch of salt". I understand that lists do have a moderator to filter out any spam or abusive messages, which is a definite bonus when looking into such sites.

Discussion sites such as the one we use for this course are easy to follow, accessible, and most of the sites do not allow other members to edit other peoples entries.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Module 2: Email Tasks

1. What information about a user's email, the origin of a message, and the path it took, can you glean from an email message?

From an email , you can usually derive:

-the senders URL and name ( having used hotmail as my resourse)
-the recievers' URL and name
-the time and date which it was sent
-a summary of the contents in the "subject" field
-whether or not the email has an attatchment

Within the email, if it has been replied to, you will often get the old message requoted, if it has not been tampered with by the responder.

If that still leaves you unsatisfied you can proceed by clicking

File >Properties

will give you extra email information such as:

-The full URL
-The size of the email
-Date Creates
-Date Modified

2. In what cases would you find it useful to use the 'cc', 'bcc' and 'reply all functions of email?

CC is an acronym for Carbon Copy. This allows you to send the one email to a multitude of recipients, this allows all the recipients to see who the message has been sent to.

BCC however is short for Blind Carbon Copy, this has the same features as CC, in that it allows the sender to mail information to a multitude of recipients, but now the recipient can not see who the email has been sent to.

3. In what ways can you ensure that an attachment you send will be easily opened by the receiver?

Every computer has different programmes downloaded, in these days of fast technology it is impossible to download every programme available, this can become a problem when sending attachments. To ensure that all recipients receive a readable copy of your attachment you must make sure that you don't send unnecessary attachment that take time to download, and be thoughtful about who you are sending them to, will they have an Internet connection as fast as yours, will they have the programme you are using, so on. To ensure that the recipient of the attachment can read it, it is safe to send the attachment as ASCII file, this will ensure that text is received, though it does not deal with graphics as well.

4. What sorts of filters or rules do you have set up, and for what purpose?

The only filters I am aware of with my email account are SPAM FILTERS, this is an automatic spam filter supplied by hotmail, I have created a few seperate folders within the "junk email" folder, these are websites that have somehow got hold of my email address and now send me news letters, I was able to filter this mail so I no longer receive it in my Inbox.

5. How have you organised the folder structure of your email and why?

I have had the same email address with Hotmail since I was about 13, I had never even considered organising until I decided to go away for a year, while I was away email was the only form of communication I used to stay in contact with everyone at home, the emails were coming in by the faster than I could answer them, I was losing a lot of them, deleting important contacts and notes, that is when I finally noticed the folder link! What a saviour!! Since then I have made it a priority to have my email well organised, to me my emails hold many memories, a little like a diary, and while I realise this may not be a conventional way of using Hotmail, it is a method that has worked for me for many years.

Now I have two email addresses, one for what I consider important matters, such as banking, university, work, while the other email account is purely social. My "important" inbox is separated into folders and then sub-folders, such as University, sub folders Assessments, Emails from Classmates, Important Notices. My "social" account has been split into groups, such as Family Emails, Friends I made while backpacking, Friends Australia, Friends UAE and so on. For the moment this method is working well, I am able to keep on top of all emails received and have put in filters for those I do not wish to have shown in my Inbox.

I do not believe that Hotmail has the best filing system available, but its simplicity is a positive for me. I have it organised well, and while I am learning about new ways of filing, it will do!

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Module I Conclusion

Self Test Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the title of the book by Bennahum?

Managed Care: financial, legal and ethical issues

The missing word was:


3. The IP number for webct is:

Module 1: Internet Tools

I love this pinging business, six degrees of separation they say, well this just finds all the information for you. This was a relatively easy task, I had no problem.

Tracing route to []... this was a slightly different Ping to that on the self test, but I have seen all my fellow class mates have the same answer, so it is fair to say the ping may have changed.

I had 19 hops, I am going to go back and compare that with other students, does your geographical placement make a difference? I would assume so.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Module 1: File transfer Protocol (FTP)

I finally have a little confidence, I managed to do this task with no hiccups at all. File transfer protocol is something i use everyday as an avid Internet user, especially with my love of photographs and being so far from my family, so I understand the importance of being able to send files in a quick and secure manner.
The answer to the task: Capitalisation Matters!!!

Module 1: Telnet

After having downloaded two different Telnet programmes, both of which I could not make any sense out of I finally took the advice of a fellow student and downloaded CRT3.0. I am finally in the game!!

As I understand it, Telnet is similar to a search engine, allowing me (the Telnet client) to communicate with a remote computer, in this case, the Deakin library database computer. So I am able to sit infront of a computer anywhere in the world and send commands to the Deakin Library in Perth, which is amazing!

I have found Windows inbuilt "help" on my computer very helpful in clarifying issues I am a bit fuzzy with.

deakin book search
You searched for the AUTHOR: bennahum
2 AUTHORS found, with 2 entries; entries 1-2 are: LOCATIONS
Bennahum David A 1936
1 Managed care : financial, legal, and ethical M
Bennahum Ninotchka
2 Dance & community : Congress on Research in M

I have to admit that while I understand the basics behind having just done that exercise, I am not quite sure how i would apply it in my everyday internet use, I will see if I can get a better understanding by looking up some more information and letting you know!


Since NET11 started all I have had is trouble with my Internet, today it is finally solved! I am connected and ready to go, although I can not help but notice everyone else is now very much ahead of me!

I would like to start by talking about the discussion forums, I was a little sceptical at first at not having a tutor by our side in the physical sense, but now I have had a chance to browse through them, and meet some of my fellow students I am a lot more confident. My fellow students are teaching my something new everyday, it is like having ten brains at work instead of just the one.

I fear that I may be looked upon as unintelligent when it comes to the Internet, and I can tell you that the past few days that is the way I felt, extremely unintelligent, but that is not the case, this is something I have not yet learnt, and it is by our mistakes that we learn, so mistakes I will make and lessons I will learn!

The beginning of something big!

This is the first blog I have ever created; that is, whilst actually being aware that I am doing it (as I am now aware that I actually have quite a few blogs on the Internet in different formats). I have used this simply because it was easy, I know that seems a bit of a cop out, but I am feeling a little out of my depth when it comes to the big wide world of Internet communication, so I plan to take it slow and absorb as much information as possible.

I was surprised at how easy it was to communicate with everyone in this course, it actually seems friendlier , dare I say it, than being at university. There is a definite difference in confidence, people are not as shy when they are not facing each other.
I finally feel like I have achieved something, so with this new found confidence Im going to go re attempt my first task!